Sunday, May 29, 2011

Pool Time

We spent part of the early afternoon by the pool today for the first time this year.  Last year we were so proud of the fact Izzy had learned to hold her breath under water and swim a few feet, all without swim lessons.  After a whole year out of the water I was a little worried she would revert back to being afraid and starting from square one.  She is not the brave, have no fear, of the two.  In fact, this picture below represents them so well.  Big sister loving hiding behind little sis.  Not all the time, but sometimes.
We got all goggled up.

And then just went for it!
Woo hoo!!!  We went swimming!  I was so proud of her! And this is day one of the summer so we'll have to see where she goes from here.

So what was Emily doing while Izzy was swimming?  She enjoys the water and like I said she has no fear.  But she sure does enjoy her cheetos!  Don't worry, I buy baked. ;)
Izzy sure didn't want to leave the pool.  Tears were spilled but promises were made to swim again...maybe tomorrow?
A few more cute little pics to share...

Don't you LOVE the round tummy?? *sigh* and I just couldn't resist.  10 tiny, bright pink toes in summer sandals.  Yes, summer is officially here.

On another note, I currently have an auction up on my facebook page Olivia's Ultimate.  

This is a charity auction which is benefiting a family (a friend of a friend) whose house and everything they owned was destroyed by the Joplin, MO tornadoes this past week.  All proceeds will benefit this family in need.  The auction is for one custom upcycled Harajuku dress made by me to whatever size you need (up to a size 10 girls) and my friend Melanie of The Melamoose Co. made this ADORABLE swimsuit, sarong, and headband set to coordinate with the dress.  The set fits most 15 -16" Waldorfs.  Auction ends on Monday (tomorrow) at noon CST.

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love all the shots of the girls at the pool! I think this is the first shot I have ever seen of Izzy crying. :(
    Totally awesome lime green inner-tube! Sweet plump tummys and painted toes are always fun. Izzy looks G-R-E-A-T swimming with her goggles on. Good job!
