Friday, May 6, 2011

Painting for Mom (Grandma)

First mom, if you're reading this, read no further until after Sunday please!

The girls and I worked on some small canvas boards today for a little Mother's Day gift for my mom.  I thought I'd share this little craft for anyone needing something from their kids to their grandmothers for mother's day.  This is super fast and easy to do. You don't even need paint brushes!

You need: acrylic paints
small canvases
paper towels
paper plate

Let your kids choose the colors they want and let them shake up the paints real good. Make sure the caps are on real tight first.

Squirt them into neat little piles of paint onto the paper plate.  Then take a paper towel, wad it up real good and dip it in the paints.  You can do one at a time or all at once.  Dab, dab, dab away onto the canvas.

Keep dabbing, and adding layers of color.  You want the paint to be relatively dry and you want to pull color away from the canvas as you add so that you see the layers of different colors come through.  Let the kiddos at it.  Mine lost interest in the paper towels and decided to finger paint.

These hands were not fun to clean up afterwards! :)

Our masterpieces!  I'm waiting for them to dry so we can tie a big pretty ribbon around them.  Think Pwoh-pwho (that's what my kids call my mom) will love them?


  1. Love these! Great idea Olivia! :)

  2. Adorable! Have the paint here... might need to make a trip out to get some canvases! :)
