Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Brunch 2011

This year I wanted to do something extra special for my mom.  Sure, I could go out and buy her something expensive but I wanted to make to show her that I put a lot of thought it making a special day for her.  As luck would have it one of my aunts was also visiting from out of town so I was able to celebrate with two moms!  I chose to do a butterfly theme.  Have you noticed how much butterfly stuff is out right now?  I made this wreath which greeted them at the door and also gave it to my mom as part of her gift.

 I saw something similar at a beautiful florist in my mother-in-laws home town.  At $140 a wreath I knew I had to try and make one on my own to make it easier on the pocket book! This cost me about $20 to make, NICE!

I recently got a new Silhouette SD Cutter and was SO intimidated to cut anything but I knew this would be a perfect opportunity to try something simple.  I cut out a dozen or so cardstock butterflies and hung them from my light over the table. 

Simple and cute!  And can I just say I think the Silhouette and I are going to be good friends.  Can't wait to share some more projects from it in the future.

I made a variety of brunch foods including Martha Stewart's Asparagus and Leek quiche--DELISH!, chicken salad croissants, fruit salad, my sister-in-law's fabulous bok choy salad recipe, and a variety of store bought sweets.

I've also gotten a little crazy lately with the candy molds.  No fancy colored chocolates here but I LOVE these butterfly pretzels rods I molded. Fun!
These little bags held their gifts.  I wish I had remembered to take a picture of them.
 My mom got a travel pillow which I sewed a pillow cover for from scraps of fabric, the small canvases that I showed here, and a few bags of snacks.  She and my dad are going on a two week trip/cruise to Northern Europe this week so I thought it would be nice to take along.

I think they all had a fabulous time.  Here's a shot of my mom (on the left) and my aunt and uncle enjoying themselves.  Yes, even the dads got some nice brunch!

Clay and the girls surprised me last night with a few gifts.  I got a really cool garden hose (the kind that coils up like a spring so there are no kinks!) and a watering wand.  Izzy picked out a glass dragon fly on a stake for my veggie garden.  I also got a gift certificate for a one hour Swedish massage!!!  Can you say SPOILED!?!?!  They went way overboard.  But the best gifts of all were the presents that the girls gave me today, that they made in school this week. 
 I just absolutely love the book Izzy made me.  And her pictures ARE fabulous!
 Hee hee!  Don't I have on a fabulous dress?!
 So true!
 So sweet!
Oh SO sweet!!! Hee hee!  Told you they spoil me around here.
 And SO funny!  I look pretty good for 100!  And this just shows my daughter knows me so well at age 4 already!  She pretty much nailed everything else...well, milk might not be my very favorite drink! ;)
And the best thing about today is spending time with these sweet little munchkins!  Sushi for dinner out tonight! Yay!
Happy Mother's Day to all your beautiful and deserving moms!!! XOXO


  1. Awwww... love this whole post Olivia! And I especially loved Izzy thinking you are 100 and that she totally nailed it when she said "every store"! Your decorations were beautiful (huge fan of butterflies here!) and you food was SO very fancy! Tell Iz that her pictures in her book are beautiful and that I love both her and Em's paintings! Happy Mother's Day my dear sweet friend! (loved seeing a picture of you mom too!) :)

  2. Hope you had a very Happy Mother's Day as well Barbara! I guess if Izzy knows me that well it means she and I are not only mother/daughter but good friends as well. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. what a gorgeous butterfly themed brunch. I bet your mom and aunties loved it!

    I just discovered your blog and wanted to say it is inspiring to see such beautiful imagery. You have such talent and it shows in everything you do.

    I'm swooning over your photos. They are GORGEOUS!! Can I ask, what type of camera and lens do you shoot with and image editing software do you use? I'm a beginner and trying to improve.
